
Repair Your Machine

prima coffee maintenance and repair services

Prima Coffee Maintenance and Repair Services

Do you have an espresso machine, grinder, water tower, or other coffee machine in need of repair or maintenance? Our experienced technicians would be glad to take a look.

John Erler headshotOur lead, John Erler, is a 20-year veteran of the coffee industry, a career that began as a barista right here in Louisville, Kentucky at Heine Brothers, and that later took him to Chicago where he worked as a tech for Intelligentsia and SteamVolt, before returning to his hometown. John’s expertise includes home and commercial semi-automatic and automatic espresso machines from such industry leaders as La Marzocco, Nuova Simonelli, Rancillio, and Slayer, in addition to years of experience working on commercial brewers, espresso and filter grinders, and water filtration, including RO, systems.

John Erler working on an espresso machine

Our techs are available to travel within a hundred miles of Louisville, Kentucky. Fill out the form below and our team will get back to you within one business day with next steps.

Note: If your equipment qualifies for warranty (parts or repair), contact the manufacturer or the vendor from whom you purchased the equipment.